On the road to Rabaul..
by admin on Mar.10, 2009, under Uncategorized
On recent early morning trip to Rabaul stopped at the Blue Lagoon lookout and took this photo. Was beautiful clear morning and caught fisherman out for an early catch.
The ash seems to come and go depending on the prevailing wind, recent days has been coming our way and has been most uncomfortable. The ash comes down like rain, you know its bad when people walking down the main street of Kokopo all have umbrellas, hats, scarves etc to protect them from the falling ash. But my favorite sight was when I came back to the office after lunch and there was the GM’s housegirl (the GM lives above the office) standing under an umbrella hanging out the washing.
And the stuff gets everywhere, when really bad our housegirl has to sweep and mop twice a day. But even then when walk around the house in bare feet, its like walking at the beach. And cars need to be washed couple of times a day.